
Words of Wisdom from SMAS Student Wendy Samayoa

Wendy Samoyoa served as 2017-18 Morning Student Council President at San Mateo Adult School. At the 2018-19 Candidate Forum, she said her farewells in a powerful speech which speaks to the value of Adult Education not just at San Mateo Adult School but across our nation. Here, with her permission, is her speech. Please read it and share. Wendy Samoyoa Farewells seem to always have a bittersweet flavor with feelings that are intertwined, although their nature is different. I feel sadness, satisfaction and also, a certain relief to be able to transfer the responsibilities of the position b ecause it’s time for new leaders. But, above all, the feeling that gains the most strength is, without a doubt, gratitude. Today culminates an important period in my life, a period in which it was a privilege and an honor to preside over this Student Council. It was a year of commitment and, in turn, a year of projects, opportunities and challenges, of hard work, meetings, struggles for the improveme...

Results of Surveys about Possible Changes to Credentialing System for Adult Education

This Spring the Legislative Analyst Office recommended getting rid of the K-12 Adult School credential.  You can read more about that here. I created a survey asking folks their thoughts on this entitled, "Keep, Change, Throw Away."  You can see that post and the survey here . Results of survey intended for Adult Ed folks across the state of California .  Results of survey intended for San Mateo Adult School teachers . Be sure to click on "Responses" to read the details of what people think. Two things seem clear from the surveys: *  The credential system needs improvement *  Many people in Adult Education do not feel their voice and ideas are heard or valued. I do feel my voice is valued - and perhaps that is because I have engaged in so much advocacy work - including starting and running this blog.  But closer to the truth, I think, is that I started the blog and engage in advocacy work because I think our ideas and voices matter and have power.  Ski...

CFT Local 4681 Endorses AB 2098 - Immigrant Integration Metrics

San Mateo Federation of Teachers Local 4681 of California Federation of Teachers Representing the Teachers of San Mateo Adult School July 14, 2018 Re:  AB 2098 (McCarty and Thurmond) - Support Dear Assembly Members McCarty and Thurmond, We the teachers of CFT Local 4681 are writing to thank you for authoring  AB 2098 - the bill that establishes immigrant integration metrics. We are very much in support of it. We are teachers at San Mateo Adult School .  Most of us teach English as a Second Language.   Others teach in the GED and High School Diploma, Career Tech Education, or Fifty Plus (Older Adults) programs. Our school is part of ACCEL, the Regional Consortium providing Adult Education for the County of San Mateo. A few facts about the area we serve: As of 2010, San Mateo County ranked fourth among counties in California and eight across the nation in the concentration of foreign-born residents. Between 2000 and 2010 San Mateo County’s immigrant population incre...
Adult Ed Staff and Supporters! Good and urgent news: Good news:   Allies and CCAE have made great progress in pushing forward a way for us to measure --- because let's face it, right now at this point in US history, everything has to be measured --- community "success" --- specifically immigrant integration metrics. Why is this important?  Because in order for something to get funded, legislators need to see and measure it.   That's how things work. If we want something funded - we need to show a need, show how the need is met, measure results, etc. If we can measure immigrant integration, it will be possible to get it funded. Some schools promote college, career, and community --- but officially, statewide, the mission of Adult Ed is essentially college and career. AB2098 COULD CHANGE THAT! We Need to Support AB 2098 What’s AB 2098? AB 2098 is legislation sponsored by * Kevin McCarty - a former Adult School student out of Sacramento - * and co-sponsored by To...