
Showing posts from June, 2015

Older Adults Adult Education in the News and in the Budget

In the final part of the budget process, funding for Older Adults Adult Education ( -- to at least some degree), was added into trailer bill AB104.  The new budget was signed by Governor Brown and it goes into effect tomorrow July 1, 2015.    The new trailer bill language in AB104 can be found here. Here are three articles and an announcement from Assembly Member Roger Hernandez' website: 1.  Assembly Member Hernandez Rallies Support for Older Adult Education  - Assembly Member Roger Hernandez' website Today, Assemblymember Roger Hernández (D-West Covina) held a press conference to discuss the importance of keeping older adult education programs a priority in the state budget. Hundreds of supporters came to voice the need to maintain programs which are vital to the success of California’s diverse and multigenerational population available to our senior community throughout the state.   According to the California Department of Aging, almos...

AB104: New Rules for a New Era in Adult Education

AB104 is the trailer bill about Adult Education. Go here to read AB104 in full. Go here to get to it via the AB86 website (the place to go for info about the new Regional Consortia system). There are lots of things to learn and understand. Here are a few bits.  First, from the AB86 website : AB104: Adult Education Block Grant The California Legislature has passed Assembly Bill 104 which  includes the legislation for the Adult Education Block Grant. The Adult Education Block Grant will fund adult education providers and the adult education regional consortia.  Please refer to Sec. 39, Article 9, Section 84900. What's Next? With this final language, the CCCCO and the CDE are working together to develop guidance regarding next steps for implementation of the Adult Education Block Grant. Guidance regarding the fund allocations,  reporting requirements, and outcomes and measures will be forthcoming over the coming weeks and months. We will be sure to keep yo...

June 26, 2015 AB86 Technical Webinar: New Rules

The latest AB86 Technical Webinar was all about the new rules. Listen to the recording of the webinar here . Here are the slides from the powerpoint. Hit the link to see them.

CCAE: Adult Ed Block Grant Package Signed by the Governor

From CCAE - California Council for Adult Education - Legislative Analyst Dawn Koepke:   Adult Ed Block Grant Package Signed by the Governor   Today we breathe a sigh of relief that the future of adult education, particularly with regard to adult schools, will be much brighter and more stable going forward.  The Legislature took the Governor's May Revise budget proposal and ran with it, making a few minor adjustments that are generally workable.  Concluding multiple years of hard work, sweat and tears, today the Governor signed AB 104, which includes the Adult Education Block Grant package.  His signature yesterday is ahead of the June 30th Constitutional deadline for him to sign a budget.    While there was much wrangling over the budget in the last few weeks, the Legislature met their required deadline to pass the budget - or a few key parts of it - by the June 15th deadline.  The bulk of the package came together within 24 hours the...

AB86 June 16th Webinar: Questions for the Field

The AB86 Technical Webinars are always chock full of practical information.  You can listen live and participate or you can listen to the recordings later.  The powerpoints and recordings are posted here .  The most recent Webinar dealt with the nittier grittier aspects as we move fully into this new Adult Education Regional Consortia delivery system come July 1.     Listen to the webinar here .   Hit the link to see the slides.    

Compassion Ready #1000 Speak

Much talk can be heard in the halls of schools and capitols about the value of being college and career ready. These things are important. But as we saw this week in the tragedy of Charleston and as we see everywhere in our state, our nation, and our world, there is a need for other skills, as well. The skills of empathy, social intelligence, self-awareness, kindness, generosity, forgiveness, gentleness, patience, community-building, compromise, compassion. Hit the link to read more. Without these things, we may win the deal, the race, or the war - but lose ourselves, our people, our planet. For life is much more than a race, a business, a battle just as the elk species is more than two stags tangling antlers in the Fall or the United States of America is more than Wall Street. To my mind, Adult Education and Adult Schools, more than any other branch of public education, embody the understanding that life is complex, difficult, and at times overwhelming, an...