
Showing posts from April, 2017

COABE Legislative Update - the Federal Perspective

COABE is the Coalition on Adult Basic Education.  Their April Legislative Update provides a good overview of the situation from the federal perspective.  Reminder:  California Adult Ed is mostly - but not entirely - funded through the state.  Federal funding matters, too, and we should keep a close eye on what is happening on the federal level where Public Education and Adult Education are concerned.         Government Relations Report: April   This report focuses on budget and appropriations issues.   Congress is on recess for another week.   The continuing resolution (CR) under which the government is operating expires on April 28. There is a need to determine how the government will be funded for the remainder of the year. There is still a certain lack of clarity about whether there will be a long-term CR to carry funding through to September 30, or an omnibus appropriations bill (or bills) that will make actual funding decisio...

LAO Overview on Adult Education

Posted from OTAN News : LAO Provides Overview of Adult Education   Posted on 04/10/2017 The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), the Legislature’s nonpartisan fiscal advisor, issued a report to the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1 on Education, which provided an overview of adult education in California. The report provided background and an assessment of the adult education program including key policy issues that remain unresolved. According to the report, school districts and the California Community Colleges (CCC) are the main providers of adult education in California. The state restructured its adult education system in 2013-14 due to historical fragmentation between school districts and the community colleges. The new system made the following structural changes: Created 71 regional adult education consortia of school districts and community colleges in collaboration with other stakeholders Provided funding to develop and implement regional adult educat...

CCAE Educate and Elevate Campaign

To: All CCAE Members    Re: COABE and State Directors National Campaign to Save Adult Education     The website ( HERE ) has been established by COABE as a joint effort between the State Directors of Adult Education and COABE to prevent any cut to adult education funding at the federal level. As you know the first Trump budget proposal for FY18 has contained a 13.5% reduction for our programs.   There are now multiple options available for all of us to meet the goal of 600,000 contacts with members of Congress on this issue. The request still is for each person to make three contacts:  their two US Senators and their member of the US House.   Students, teachers, and administrators can send prepared letters or make phone calls directly to their legislators. Make a direct call or send a direct email (HERE). Alternatively, hand written letters can also be sent by students detailing their adult education experience (why they enrolled, what they a...