
Showing posts from May, 2018

CCAE: Contact Your Legislators!

CCAE is the California Council of Adult Education .  It is the only organization that includes students, staff, teachers, administrators, and community members. California is the fifth largest economy in the world.  It has a lot of money.  Adult Education and Adult Schools do not have enough money. Now is the time to ask legislators - the people we choose to represent us - to spend our taxes on Adult Education and Adult Schools. Here is info from CCAE: Contact Your Legislators As you may know, on Friday the Governor released his May Revise Budget proposal for FY 18-19.  We are pleased to report and strongly support the package which continues to include a COLA for adult education, provide language to cap the indirect rate districts can charge back to adult schools, and provide an extra year for development of consortia three-year plans.  Unfortunately, the Administration and Department of Finance (DOF) opted not to include the remaining priorities the adult...