
Showing posts from February, 2015

Update on Berkeley Adult School

The long term fate of Berkeley Adult School, whether or not it will remain in place, share space with a new Elementary School or REALM Charter School, move to a new location, or be decentralized into several different locations, remains uncertain.   For back story on this situation, go here . At the Feb 24th, Wednesday meeting of the BUSD School Board , there are two agenda items that may relate to this situation: Enrollment/Capacity Update and Potential Action (Action Item #1) Facilities Plan Update (Information Item #1). Public input is welcome, wanted, and needed at this meeting. Remember:  While we in the United States have created a system where public education is to tied to property taxes, public education belongs to the public - because all of us depend on its outcome - not just those who own property.  That is why Governor Brown asked the public to vote for Prop 30, a special tax just for education, and why all of us are paying that tax, whether or no...

Spring 2015 Legislative Events Addressing Adult Education

Your participation is the needed piece This Spring, there are several important committee meetings in Sacramento affecting Adult Education and Adult Schools.  The public is welcome at all these meetings and there is always a time for public comment at the end.  You do not need to make a reservation to attend.  Simply show up.  Getting there early assures you a seat.  You can also often listen to the hearings live and/or listen - or even watch - them later as most of them are recorded .    This provides quite a bit of transparency, accountability, and opportunity for input - if we, the people, make use of it.   Here  are the dates and times of the hearings - along with a few notes:   March 11:  Joint Hearing by Assembly Higher Education and Senate Education .  The AB86 group will present their report at this hearing.   AM Jose Medina , Chair of the Assembly Higher Ed Committee, is a former Adult Ed ESL teac...

Adult Ed Spring Events 2015

It's Spring - and that means conferences and conventions and legislative hearings and meetings and lots of talk about budget leading up to July 1st, 2015, the start of a new fiscal year and a new era for Adult Education in California. Each event has its own focus.  Every event is a chance to connect with and learn from others.  Here's what's happening in the world of Adult Ed Spring 2015 along with my notes about how the event connects with advocacy for Adult Ed. 1.  CCAE Bay Section Conference February 28 in Berkeley , Northern California.   State Senator Loni Hancock and Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates will speak.  There will be a variety of valuable workshops, including a SMAS  presentation on The Power of Student Leadership.  The Conference will be held at Berkeley Adult School which  recently faced the possibility of being uprooted or decentralized .  This brings home the truth we are still in the process of stabilizing A...

Perspective: Down by the Riverside, Repairing My Wheels

(This is a Perspective Piece .  In this case, mine... my personal perspective on current affairs.)   Monterey Coast 2009 This weekend, I've been thinking back on another Presidents Day Valentine's Day Combo Platter Weekend.  What's that on the horizon? Way back in 2009. I remember it like it was yesterday, not just because I had a great time in Monterey with my daughter and my folks...  but because I drove down there right after my boss called us together to tell us that in order to deal with the economic recession and keep K-12 schools going, Governor Schwartzenegger was "flexing" Adult Ed money. Flexibility The flexibility provided by the budget package is unprecedented. Local educational agencies (LEAs) will be able to redirect funding from 40 programs to “any educational purpose.” They will also be able to use restricted account balances from 2007–08 for any educational purpose.  Read more here. I remember driving out to the motel to meet my parents....