Spring 2015 Legislative Events Addressing Adult Education

Your participation is the needed piece
This Spring, there are several important committee meetings in Sacramento affecting Adult Education and Adult Schools.  The public is welcome at all these meetings and there is always a time for public comment at the end.  You do not need to make a reservation to attend.  Simply show up.  Getting there early assures you a seat.  You can also often listen to the hearings live and/or listen - or even watch - them later as most of them are recorded
This provides quite a bit of transparency, accountability, and opportunity for input - if we, the people, make use of it.
Here  are the dates and times of the hearings - along with a few notes:
March 11:  Joint Hearing by Assembly Higher Education and Senate Education.  The AB86 group will present their report at this hearing.  AM Jose Medina, Chair of the Assembly Higher Ed Committee, is a former Adult Ed ESL teacher.  Senator Carol Liu is the Chair of Senate Education Committee. and the author of SB173.   (To read about the Oversight Hearing on Adult Education by these same committees, go here.)
March 24th:  The Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education will meet about Adult Education and Career Technical Education.   9:00 AM in Room 444.   This is the same day as CCAE Leg Day.  Committee Member AM Rocky Chavez, at the January 29th Oversight Hearing on Adult Education, spoke insightfully about the need to move carefully and not ask Public Ed to make too many changes too fast in too many areas.
April 7th:  The Senate Budget Subcommittee on Education will meet at 9:30 AM in room 3191.  Chair Marty Block has a background in education and law.

Be sure to check this post to see what else is happening in the world of Adult Ed this Spring.


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