AB86 Says Your Voices Matter

Debra Jones says, "Your voices matter and your perspectives are important especially during this time."
"Use the AB86 inbox," she advises, to communicate your questions and concerns to the Department of Education and the Chancellor's Office.
You can hear all this on the March 20th AB86 Technical Webinar at about 10 minutes in.
To hear this section and more, go to the AB86 Technical Webinar page and click on "Listen to the Recording."
AB 86 Planning Fund Extension
- Download the Presentation: PDF | PPTX
- Listen to the Recording
...urgency for the state to determine what the MOE is to prepare and determine the funding formula.
We don’t want there to be a gap between planning funding and implementation funding.
So we’ve done a couple of things.
We’ve extended the planning funding. You have until December 31st to send your planning funds.
And the other is we had a conversation today, a dialogue between, a conversation with the Department of Education and the Chancellor's Office and the Cabinet.
They wanted me to pass along the message that they have heard the urgency. They have received your letters you’ve turned in to the AB86 inbox. They are committed also to solving and resolving the MOE and funding formula issues sooner rather than later.
So be assured that that is recognized.
Also, I want to encourage that if you have thoughts or you’re wanting to get information to the Cabinet, the Department of Education or the Chancellors’ Office, regarding Adult Ed, please use the AB86 inbox.
Your letters are forwarded, they’re discussed.
Your voices matter and your perspectives are important especially during this time.
Report to the Legislature - Recommendations
* Increase service levels to meet demand.
* Improve programming to better prepare students for postsecondary and transition to workforce.
* Provide academic, social and financial supports to lower barriers.
* Align assessments between providers for placement.* Develop a common accountability approach.
* Maintain and extend structures for ongoing regional coordination.
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