Money Stuff

As we move deeper into budget discussions, it might be helpful to have a collection of links, definitions, etc. where all this money stuff is concerned.  So here we go...

Governor Brown's Budget Proposal.  Adult Ed is mentioned in the K-12, Higher Ed, and Investing in California's Workforce sections.

Trailer Bill Language for Adult Ed Block Grant
An act to add Article 9 (commencing with Section 84900) to Chapter 5 of Part 50 of Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education Code, relating to adult education

An explanation of Fund 11 (CDE link below).
Adult Ed funds to districts run through Fund 11, separate from the general fund.

Trailer Bill language - the implementation language of the California State Budget Bill.

CCAE Talking Points for CCAE Leg Day (March 24, 2015)
These provide clear and helpful information about the Allotment Board proposal, Maintenance of Effort/Capacity, etc.

Maintenance of Capacity vs Maintenance of Effort -  We need a good source of info and illumination.  Got one?


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