Want More Info @ Adult Education, Adult Schools, and Adult Learners in Action?

Start here:

a4cas.org  ----  website with links to most everything
saveouradultschool.org--- the best facts and analysis around on Adult Ed policy
unitedadultstudents.org---- Adult Learners in action in Los Angeles
smaceesl.blogspot.com --- ESL Student Blog – search “student voice” for student essays & actions
saveadulted.wordpress.com - record of advocacy for Adult Ed in Los Angeles

Hit the "read more" link to learn more.

History and Context and other Big Picture Stuff:

Student Leadership 
The Power of Student Leadership - workshop presented by Student Leaders at CCAE Conference    
Marco’s wisdom about advocacy

Active Advocates

Adult Learner essays about Adult Education

Go to smaceesl.blogspot.com and search "Student Voice" for more
Rules of the Game and De Facto Umpire
Coaches for the Teams
Players in the Game:

CCAE - California Council for Adult Education

CFT - California Federation of Teachers

CTA - California Teachers Association

AE UTLA - Adult Ed branch of United Teachers of Los Angeles - which is combo of CFT & CTA

Community College Academic Senate

Stuff that makes you go hmmmm...

1993  Community College League call to make Community Colleges the sole provider of Adult Ed

2008 Report from NCAL:  Make workforce readiness the new focus of Adult Education
(Major funding for NCAL from David Perdue - Dollar Store)

2011 Community College Academic Senate call to assign Adult Ed to Community Colleges


After 70 years, GED switches to for-profit venture

2014 Edsurge article, "New Urgency Around Adult Ed" -  "While adult education has long been a “hidden” market, its programs often “shoved off in a corner,” all that seems to be changing, says to Pearson SVP Jason Jordan. “Suddenly it’s becoming a much more interesting marketplace."


Writing letters to the Governor and Legislature
Joining in with larger movements about Public Education

Every week!

Asking for a seat at the funding table

Community matters

Standing up for CCSF

Visiting legislators in Sacramento
for CCAE Leg Day
Hear our message!
Poster Contest
Student leaders sell t-shirts, present at conferences, inspire others.
Wear Red for Adult Ed on Tuesdays!
Student Leader Maricruz participating in the Harvard Symposium
via Skype
Victory Pic - May Revise 2013
Student Leaders speak at the
January 2015 Oversight  Hearing
on Adult Education
Red for Adult Ed!
Harvard asks a good question
Students write and read essays during Adult Education Week
COSAS - Communities Organized to Support Adult Schools
United Adult Students
United Adult Students in action
SMAS and BAS Student Leaders in dialogue
Red for Adult Ed - It's a Movement!

Adult Education is the 4th Leg
Mathew Kogan speaking at the Press Conference
Standing up for Chicago
Jackie Speier at the Press Conference
Her mother taught at San Mateo Adult School
for many years
CCAE campaigning for Adult Education and Prop 30
Adult Ed supports and strengthens every branch of
public education and the community
Dr. Bob Harper speaking at CCAE Bay Conference
Oakland Family Literacy
One of the few surviving Adult Ed programs left in Oakland.
Oakland Adult School used to serve over 25,000
We need our own wallet!
US Dept of Ed visits SMAS
Adult Education Matters!
No Lawmaker Left Behind!
Rooted in community
What will he say this May?
SMAS - a community of great heart
Alliance for California Adult Schools
Which way is the wind shifting?
It so does!



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