Why Do YOU Love Adult Education? Share Your Answers With Your State Legislators Through Photos

 Why do YOU love Adult Education?

As AB 1846, Assembly Member Patty Lopez' bill to increase funding for Adult Education to pre-crash levels begins to wend its way through committees, that's a good question to ask.

And the answers are important to share with legislators.

Since a picture speaks a thousand words, consider sharing this information with photographs.

Samples below.

Assembly Member Patty Lopez,
long-time supporter of Adult Education,
before she was elected to the State Legislature
Student Leaders Adriana and Maria
value Adult Education for the many opportunities.

SMAS ESL Conversation Students had a lot to say
about why they value Adult Education!
Student Leaders Denise and Cristina
recognize the empowerment factor.

Teacher Tia and Staffer Nita
treasure working with ESL students from around the world.

Ambrosio started ESL classes
at San Mateo Adult School in 2006. 
Now he helps manage the School Garden
and shares his extensive knowledge
of organic farming with students. 

GED & High School Diploma Students
acclaim the teaching
ESL Student Ayako shares a powerful testament in answer to the question, "Why do you love your Adult School?"
"It’s my home. When I came here I was lonely and disoriented. I came to this school and met other people like myself. I learned that it’s okay to be feel confused and to be homesick. The school is flexible and there are no grades. There’s no competition among students. Some are good in speaking and some in grammar. We can help one another. It’s good to see students going forward to college or work. I feel encouraged and know maybe I can do something in the future."


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