CCAE Leg Day and State Conference

From CCAE Executive Director Adriana Sanchez-Aldana:
CCAE Members and Friends,
Throughout the year, there are many important activities that take place in your local chapters; in the six CCAE state sections; and at the state level. The spring brings us two important statewide activities in which I hope you will find yourself actively engaged. Our two statewide events are the Legislative Action Day (Leg Day) and the annual State Conference.

Leg Day
Leg Day is a 1 ½ day event, in Sacramento. Our headquarters is the Sacramento Hyatt, 1209 L Street. Hotel rooms are still available, at the CCAE (single or double, per night) rate of $179.

Hit the link to read more.
This year, Leg Day will begin with a training on Monday, April 4th; and legislative visits will be scheduled by your section Leg Chairs, on Tuesday, April 5th. The Monday afternoon training session will provide important "Talking Points," and on Tuesday you will participate in legislative visits as scheduled for you by your Section Leg Chairperson. If possible, include an adult education student on your team, as legislators and their staff appreciate hearing student stories. Please contact your section Legislative Chairperson to participate:

Bay Section
Rhonda Slota
Central Section
Lori McClintick
LA Metro Section
Vlad Tigno
Northern Section
Patricia Bradshaw
South Coast Section
Nancy Martinez
Southern Section
Karen Bautista
State Conference
This year's conference theme is "Adult Education: The Bridge to College, Careers, and Community" and will take place April 21-23, 2016, at the San Francisco Airport Marriott. At this time, the conference hotel is sold out. HOWEVER, we will have additional conference rate ($199) hotel rooms very soon---please check the CCAE website for an update. The conference committee is working hard to ensure an interesting program, updated information, and a fun Friday night activity. In addition, we will be honoring several of our outstanding adult education teachers, support staff, and administrators for their extraordinary work, support, and service. Please visit the CCAE website for the complete list of awardees and additional conference details (
I'm happy to point out that, this year, several of our conference attendees will be able to attend, due to the generosity of the Dollar General Foundation. Two $500 scholarships were awarded, by each section (total of $6,000), for a special project or professional development activity. Several members chose to attend the state conference, and we look forward to seeing them there. Dollar General Scholarship awardees will be announced in our April update. 

I look forward to seeing you at both of these events!

Adriana Sanchez-Aldana
Executive Director
The Bay Section is proud to host the 2016 CCAE State Conference, at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront Hotel, on April 21-23, 2016. Outstanding professional development and networking opportunities will abound. This is a conference you will not want to miss, so click here to register, today!


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