
Showing posts from January, 2017

NPE, AFT, NEA All Say No to De Vos as Fed Head of Ed

By all rights this piece should be in the Perspective section. I t's my opinion that Betsy DeVos would be bad for Adult Education and bad for Public Education, in general.  Many people and organizations agree with me.  Read on to hear why.  -- Cynthia Eagleton, ESL teacher at San Mateo Adult School The Network for Public Education , the two large national teachers unions - the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association , Bernie Sanders, and any number of other individuals and organizations  - all say no to the idea of approving Betsy De Vos as Education Secretary for the United States. There is someone who does like DeVos - and that person is new President Trump.  She is his choice for the job.  Relevance to Adult Education While in California, Adult Education is largely funded by the state, in many states Adult Education is primarily funded by the federal government.  The tone, the direction, the policy at the federal...

From ACSA: Guidance Sheet about Undocumented Students and Families: The Facts

View this email in your browser Iván Carrillo Legislative Advocate Association of California School Administrators ACSA is committed to ensuring all students, family members, and employees have access to a safe, equitable, and supportive educational environment. To this end, ACSA developed a guidance sheet to give educational leaders answers to key legal questions related to undocumented students that may come up in light of potential changes at the federal level. ACSA will continue to be a leader in protecting the legal rights of all students to attend school, regardless of the immigration status of the child or their family member...

2017-18 Brown Budget Proposal: Still No Increase for Adult Education

Information for funding Adult Education is now in the "Investing in California's Workforce" section of the budget.  In the past, there was information about Adult Education in the K12 and Higher Education sections.  It seems Governor Brown is slowly but surely framing Adult Education as being less about education and more about work.  That's a nice way to avoid the truth Adult Education is and always has been - for over 150 years - part of the educational system of California.  And while Adult Education includes job skills training, just like people, Adult Education is about more than just work. No matter what you call it or where you put it in the budget, Adult Education is not seen, treated and funded in the same way all other branches of Public Education are. It is high time that Adult Education be given the Education Equality that Californians need and deserve. #EducationEquality4AE now! Here is the information from Governor Brown's ebudget about Adult Educ...