2017-18 Brown Budget Proposal: Still No Increase for Adult Education
Information for funding Adult Education is now in the "Investing in California's Workforce" section of the budget. In the past, there was information about Adult Education in the K12 and Higher Education sections.
No matter what you call it or where you put it in the budget, Adult Education is not seen, treated and funded in the same way all other branches of Public Education are.
It is high time that Adult Education be given the Education Equality that Californians need and deserve.
#EducationEquality4AE now!
Here is the information from Governor Brown's ebudget about Adult Education:
In 2015‑16, community college vocational education programs served roughly 300,000
full‑time equivalent students, about 27 percent of all community college full‑time
equivalent students. Below are several other community college programs that
strengthen workforce development and foster job creation:
• Strong Workforce Program — The Budget includes $248 million Proposition 98
General Fund for the Strong Workforce Program. This program builds upon federal
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) funds and provides
access to more regionally aligned, career technical education and workforce
development programs/courses. It will also strengthen programmatic collaboration
among workforce investment boards, CCCs, local education agencies, and county
human services agency employment and workforce development programs. These
efforts promote greater employment opportunities and earnings potential for
participating students.
• Adult Education Block Grant Program — This program coordinates representatives
from local educational agencies, community colleges, and other regional education,
workforce, and industry partners to promote the educational opportunities offered
to students and adult learners. Through this program, students and adult learners
can access courses to complete their high school diplomas or general education
equivalent, English as a Second Language courses, and pathways courses that
lead to additional career opportunities. The Budget includes $500 million ongoing
Proposition 98 General Fund to support the Adult Education Block Grant Program.
• Apprenticeship Programs — There are over 265 apprenticeship programs sponsored
by local educational agencies, community colleges, and the Labor and Workforce
Development Agency’s (Labor Agency) Employment Training Panel which support
training to approximately 74,000 apprentices. These programs offer interested
Californians a clear pathway to obtain classroom instruction and on‑the‑job training
skills leading to gainful employment, while also providing California businesses with
well‑trained employees. The Budget includes $54.9 million ongoing Proposition 98
General Fund and approximately $13 million Employment Training Fund for
apprenticeship programs.
• Economic and Workforce Development Program — This program provides funding
for targeted investments in economic and workforce development, focusing on
priority and emergent industry sectors, providing short‑term grants to support
industry‑driven regional education and training. The Budget includes $22.9 million
ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund to support this program.
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